
AWS Engineer Recruitment Guide

Looking for ways to improve your recruitment process? Struggling to fill technical roles? Our guide has everything you need to succeed at hiring and retaining the right AWS engineers for your open positions.

Book cover of the AWS Hiring Guide.

Ready to access the #1 guide on hiring and retaining AWS talent?

What’s inside

What does an AWS engineer do?

When to hire full time versus freelance

How much do AWS-certified engineers make?

Most common AWS certifications

A purple circle with a hammer and wrench in the middle crossing and making an X.
Purple circle with a paper scroll and a chart with the line trending upwards.
A purple circle with a hammer and wrench in the middle crossing and making an X.
DevOps Candidates

AWS cloud engineer job responsibilities

Benefits of hiring an AWS engineer

What are the skills required for AWS developers?

Different AWS engineer roles

Start learning cloud recruitment best practices now

A headshot of our Nerd Rabbit, Sheldon.

About NerdRabbit

The world’s first AWS software-defined staffing company, NerdRabbit connects cloud professionals to employers looking to fill roles with top talent. Through our software, you gain access to some of the nation’s top AWS developers, engineers, programmers, and coders—ready to take on your next short-term or long-term projects.

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Nearshore Outsourcing

NerdRabbit offers talent solutions through our on-the-ground partner in Argentina.