Moving applications to the cloud isn’t just a technical shift — it’s a strategic move that impacts your company’s future. But how do you choose the best path forward? The good news is that the cloud migration process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Enter the 7 Rs — seven tried-and-tested strategies that companies of all sizes use to transition their applications to the cloud.

Let’s break down what each “R” stands for and when you might want to use it.

1. Retire

Not all applications are worth saving. Some have run their course, are no longer needed, or might be redundant. If an app is sucking up resources without providing value, it’s time to let it go. This strategy allows you to cut costs and free up your team to focus on more critical applications. Think of it as spring cleaning for your IT portfolio. Identify what’s no longer serving your business and get rid of it. You’ll be surprised how much you can simplify things by retiring unnecessary systems.

7 rs of cloud migration planning

2. Retain

There are always some applications that are too important or complicated to move right now. Whether it’s a compliance requirement or an application that’s too embedded in your current infrastructure, the ‘retain’ strategy allows you to keep certain systems running on-premises while other parts of your environment move to the cloud. This approach works for those applications that you want to hold onto for now but might reconsider migrating later. Essentially, it’s about maintaining the status quo for select systems while you address more urgent migration tasks.

3. Rehost

Rehosting, or “lift and shift,” is all about moving your existing applications to the cloud without making any changes. This is the quickest way to migrate — you’re taking what you already have and simply putting it on new infrastructure. While it’s a straightforward method, the downside is that you’re not optimizing your app for the cloud, which could mean missed opportunities for cost savings or performance improvements. That said, if time is a critical factor, rehosting can be a great first step to get you up and running quickly.

4. Relocate

Relocating is a lot like rehosting but for a very specific environment — a VMware vSphere application moving to VMware Cloud. If you’re already comfortable with the VMware environment but want the cloud’s scalability and flexibility, this is your go-to. You’re not making any big changes to your apps, but you’re benefiting from a more flexible, scalable infrastructure in the cloud.

This approach lets you keep all your familiar tools and management processes while still modernizing your infrastructure. It’s a great way to ease into the cloud without throwing your IT team into unfamiliar territory.

the 7 rs of cloud migration

5. Repurchase

Repurchasing means replacing an existing application with a cloud-based solution. You’ll often see this approach used for off-the-shelf software like CRM systems or ERPs. Instead of migrating your old, customized system, you switch to a cloud-native service. Think of it as swapping out an old, beat-up car for a shiny new model. Sure, you might lose some custom features, but you gain all the efficiencies and innovations that come with modern cloud technology. Plus, no more worrying about hardware or updates — the cloud provider handles that for you.

6. Replatform

Replatforming is about making minimal changes to your application so that it works better in the cloud. This could involve switching the database or adjusting how the app runs on cloud services. Unlike rehosting, which involves no changes, and refactoring, which can involve major overhauls, replatforming sits comfortably in the middle. You’re making improvements to take advantage of cloud features, but you’re not doing a full redesign. It’s a balance between speed and optimization — perfect for when you need to get to the cloud quickly but still want to see some benefits from being there.

7. Refactor or Re-architect

Refactoring, also known as re-architecting, is when you rebuild your application from the ground up to fully leverage cloud-native features. It’s the most time-consuming and resource-intensive strategy, but it can deliver the biggest benefits. You’re optimizing your application for scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency in the cloud. This option makes sense for core applications that are critical to your business’s long-term growth and innovation. By re-architecting, you’re investing in the future, making sure your app is designed to handle whatever comes next.

what are 7 rs in cloud migration planning

Which Strategy is Right for You?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to cloud migration. The strategy you choose depends on a range of factors, including the complexity of your current infrastructure, your budget, your team’s capacity, and how fast you need to move. Most companies end up using a mix of these 7 Rs, applying different strategies to different applications. Some apps will be retired, while others may be rehosted or re-architected.

It’s essential to map out your IT portfolio and decide on the right strategy for each application. Start with the low-hanging fruit — apps that can be easily rehosted or retired — and then move on to more complex systems that might need refactoring.

Making Your Move to the Cloud

Cloud migration is about more than just moving applications — it’s about reshaping the way your company works, innovates, and competes. By applying the 7 Rs strategically, you can move to the cloud in a way that makes sense for your business, both now and in the future.

If you’re not sure where to start, or if you’re wondering how to tackle a particularly tricky application, NerdRabbit’s cloud experts are here to help. Let’s chat about your migration needs and get you on the path to a successful cloud transformation.

The 7 Rs can make cloud migration feel a lot more manageable, offering a clear roadmap for IT leaders. Ready to explore the best path for your organization? Reach out to NerdRabbit today and let’s figure out the right strategy for your cloud migration journey.

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About Valentina Horan
Valentina, NerdRabbit's Marketing Specialist, crafts compelling tech stories, making the latest trends and innovations accessible to everyone. In her spare time, she enjoys moments with loved ones, binge-watches her favorite series, and teaches classes at university.

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