Exciting news from NerdRabbit! We are hopping with joy to share a major win on our cloud journey—we’ve secured our AWS Advanced Partner Status. This achievement is a stamp of approval in showcasing our deep commitment to guiding businesses through the fast track of cloud adoption using the powerhouse that is Amazon Web Services (AWS).


The AWS Advanced Partner Status

Achieving the AWS Advanced Partner Status is like reaching the summit of a mountain, and at NerdRabbit, we’re beaming with pride over this well-deserved acknowledgment. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill partnership; it’s an elite status reserved for organizations that not only check all the boxes but go above and beyond.

Picture this: a journey filled with extensive training, rigorous certifications, and a proven track record that shouts success. It’s not just about meeting requirements; it’s about surpassing them. We’ve invested time, sweat, and dedication to ensure our projects don’t just deliver but empower our customers on their cloud adoption journey.

In response to the achievement, Mark Metz, NerdRabbit’s founder and chairman states, “We are thrilled to be recognized as an AWS Advanced Partner. Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that our solutions are not just innovative but also aligned with the needs of our cloud-committed customers as they navigate their migration journeys. This elevation in our AWS partnership is a testament to our deep expertise and customer-centric approach.”

With this partner status, NerdRabbit will have greater access to AWS resources, training, and support, further enhancing its ability to serve customers with cutting-edge cloud solutions. NerdRabbit’s clients will benefit from the company’s increased ability to leverage AWS’s breadth of services, from advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to security and machine learning capabilities.


Benefits for NerdRabbit and Clients

The perks of our AWS Advanced Partner Status open up valued benefits for both NerdRabbit and our clients. NerdRabbit gains increased access to AWS resources, top-notch training, and unparalleled support.

What does this mean for our clients? It offers a frictionless migration to AWS cloud services. Organizations looking to remove unnecessary costs, supercharge innovation, and achieve scalability with the expertise of a seasoned pro can now do so with unwavering confidence.

From advanced data analytics that turn numbers into insights, to artificial intelligence that adds a touch of genius to operations and diving deep into the realms of security and machine learning—NerdRabbit is now equipped with the full arsenal of AWS services.


Looking Ahead

As NerdRabbit strides confidently into this exciting new chapter of collaboration with AWS, our commitment to delivering innovative, customer-centric cloud solutions remains our primary focus. Our attainment of AWS Advanced Partner Status isn’t the end of the story; it’s a significant leap forward in our mission to empower businesses through seamless cloud adoption.


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About Valentina Horan
Valentina, NerdRabbit's Marketing Specialist, crafts compelling tech stories, making the latest trends and innovations accessible to everyone. In her spare time, she enjoys moments with loved ones, binge-watches her favorite series, and teaches classes at university.

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