Exciting news from NerdRabbit! We are hopping with joy to share a major win on our cloud journey—we’ve secured our AWS Advanced Partner Status. This achievement is a stamp of approval in showcasing our deep commitment to guiding businesses through the fast track...
How to Attract the Best AWS Talent LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email With over 4.5 million workers in the U.S. quitting their jobs since November 2021, there are a record number of roles available. As a result, companies need to go above and beyond to attract AWS...
Are You Ready to Move to the Cloud? LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email The cloud is completely changing the way companies operate. Organizations across the world, of all sizes and industries, are moving their IT workloads to the cloud for its flexibility, mobility, and...
Our NerdLife: Why NerdRabbit Is One of Atlanta’s Best Places to Work in 2022 LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email Today, employees and employers put a major emphasis on company or organizational culture, but what is it exactly? The Society of Human Resources...
Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email What does it mean to be comfortable? “Comfortable” is the idea that we are at ease and we are content. In most aspects of life, we all want that. We love comfortable people and we like knowing our...