NerdRabbit is a cloud talent marketplace that connects businesses with top cloud professionals, including freelancers, contractors, and full-time candidates. It offers a range of services designed to help companies find the right talent for their cloud projects and job seekers find work opportunities in the cloud industry.
At NerdRabbit, we do not have standard job postings—we have (h)opportunities. These are opportunities created by employers looking to fill one or many positions within their company. Once created, they will show up on the (h)opportunity board and can be applied to by any Nerd on our platform. They can be offered on an hourly basis.
A NerdHerder is a representative from a company or an individual in need of an AWS expert to hop on a project, become a contractor, or join their team for a full-time role.
A Nerd is a prospective cloud professional with a screened AWS skill set that an employer would like to hire for their expertise to fill any hourly, part-time, or full-time positions.
A Nerd is an expert in their industry who excels or who aspires to excel in the IT cloud space. This "Nerd" wants to capitalize on their talents while being a revolutionist in the cloud 1st world and is looking for an opportunity to make an impact working with NerdHerders and being a problem solver.
If you are a cloud professional looking to apply for hourly, part-time, or full-time work you will want to sign up as a Nerd. After signing up, you will be contacted by a Cloud Recruitment consultant to screen your AWS expertise.
The first step in getting started with NerdRabbit is to register for our platform.
You can log into our app after you verify your email. The first time you log in, you will be taken through the steps to create your account.
Some Nerds have opted into our verification process which requires one reference to confirm the professional AWS background of this Nerd. Nerds that complete this process will get a blue checkmark on their profile.
If a Nerd looks interesting to you, you can favorite this Nerd to one of your (h)opportunities by clicking the carrot in the top right corner of the Nerd profile box. After favoriting a Nerd, the carrot in the upper right-hand corner will turn purple and the candidate profile will be saved under your (h)opportunity for later review. All of your favorite Nerds can be found on your dashboard.
The first step to creating a (h)opportunity is to click the (h)opportunities tab at the top of the dashboard and select create (h)opportunity. From there you will be guided step by step to complete the necessary fields. Once completed, you will click create on the last step. If you are not able to complete the steps, no problem! Just click "save draft" at any point along the way. The steps you have completed will be saved for you until the next time you return to the (h)opportunity.
Finding a Nerd is a simple process. First, you'll select the "Find Your Nerd" tab. From here you can type in keywords that are important in your search. Keep in mind we allow you to use the "And" and "Or" button to the right to help your search and find the right Nerd for you! You can also filter Nerds by rate, skill, certifications, location, education level, and years of experience.
Once you have selected a Nerd, you can hire them directly from their profile card on our platform. Whether they appear as an applicant on a (h)opportunity or from their Nerd profile card, click "hire Nerd" and follow the easy steps to get your Nerd hired. Congrats!
Once you've identified a Nerd you are interested in, you should contact them via a chat request message. Click on their profile and select chat. You can type in a message and hit send. Once your chat has been accepted, you will find that chat communication on the bottom right-hand side of your screen!
From the "my (h)opportunities" section on the dashboard or the "(h)opportunities" tab at the top of the page, you will be able to see all the applicants for each (h)opportunity, chat with them, and even schedule an interview with the Nerd.
Yes, if the Nerd feels the rate or number of hours aren’t ideal then they can propose a new rate and amount of hours. Nerds and NerdHerders can negotiate until they come to an agreement.
Nerds will be able to rate NerdHerders as soon as an engagement ends.
NerdHerders will be able to rate Nerds after any hourly engagement. Writing these ratings can be done from the Engagements page.
Nerds will be rated on Flexibility/Adaptability, Work Ethic, Communication, Problem Solving, and Overall Experience. Overall Experience is the only rating that will affect a Nerd's average rating.
Stars are how our app measures quality. Performance is measured on a scale of 1-5 stars in our rating system.