Some Nerds have opted into our verification process which requires one reference to confirm the professional AWS background of this Nerd. Nerds that complete this process will get a blue checkmark on their profile.
Nerds will be able to rate NerdHerders as soon as an engagement ends.
NerdHerders will be able to rate Nerds after any hourly engagement. Writing these ratings can be done from the Engagements page.
A Nerd’s ratings are available for viewing by NerdHerders. Nerds with higher ratings are more likely to be messaged by NerdHerders when the qualifications match.
Nerds will be rated on Flexibility/Adaptability, Work Ethic, Communication, Problem Solving, and Overall Experience. Overall Experience is the only rating that will affect a Nerd's average rating.
Stars are how our app measures quality. Performance is measured on a scale of 1-5 stars in our rating system.
NerdHerders are able to rate Nerds as soon as they’ve ended their engagement. This is optional, so if your NerdHerder hasn’t rated you, please reach out to request that.
Ratings appear directly under your username on the dashboard. Click there to get to the page to view ratings that have been received and given.
Nerds can receive ratings after completing hourly engagements.